Check out EndBridge: Drag and Drop Migration from Protractor to Cypress!

October 18, 2022

By The Cypress Team

Check out EndBridge: Drag and drop migration from Protractor to Cypress!

With Protractor’s deprecation coming soon, many teams are scrambling for a strategy to move off their test suite. At Cypress, we provide several helpful resources to help in this process, from our Protractor Migration Guide to the Protractor Migrator. However, migrating your old tests is time-consuming, and having to run two testing tools side-by-side during the migration is not ideal.

Fortunately, our friends over at HeroDevs have come up with an amazing solution to ease this pain. At the recent ng-conf, Joe Eames from HeroDevs announced EndBridge, an exciting new tool allowing teams to run their Protractor tests directly in Cypress without having to rewrite them. On stage, Joe demoed how to drag your Protractor tests into the Cypress folder and then watch them run directly in Cypress. Like magic!

See the demo in action from their announcement video.

EndBridge is currently in a closed beta, but the team is looking for testers to try it out. Interested? Head over to to sign your team up for beta access.