As part of our ongoing effort to develop the most productive and developer-friendly testing ecosystem, we’re excited to announce GitHub integration for the Cypress Dashboard. Our team has been hard at work developing a feature-rich GitHub App to tightly integrate your Cypress test runs with your day-to-day GitHub workflow.
The Cypress GitHub App provides timely and useful test run information within pull-requests via status checks and pull-request comments. Best of all, every GitHub integration feature is fully configurable at the project level.
You can easily install the Cypress GitHub App via your organization’s Cypress Dashboard settings. Please refer to our docs for more detailed information about GitHub Integration setup and usage—but for now, let’s take a quick glance at how you can leverage the Cypress GitHub App to improve your development workflow.
Commit Status Checks
GitHub status checks let you know if a commit associated with a pull-request meets the necessary conditions, such as passing test suites, before being allowed to be merged in with the rest of your codebase.
With the Cypress GitHub App, the status of your Cypress test runs can be reported for any given commit or pull-request. You can enable status checks to be posted for every test spec file or for every test run group.
Pull-Request Comments
Status checks inform you at a high-level about the state of your test run, but when a failure occurs, you need more detailed information to resolve the issue. The Cypress GitHub App assists you in this situation by posting a comment within the associated pull request with run statistics, specific test failures, and related screenshots to help you pinpoint the problem quickly.

Each test failure within the PR comment links directly to the Cypress Dashboard so you can dig in further by analyzing error messages, stack traces, related screenshots, and full test run video recordings.
Enable GitHub Integration Today
Github Integration is available for all Cypress Dashboard users. Check out our docs to quickly enable status checks and PR comments for your projects today.
Get Started with GitHub Integration →